By Isaí Rea Solving the climate crisis can feel insurmountable, but we know that it’s possible – with the right people. Currently, there’s a massive workforce gap in the energy efficiency sector and other green workforce industries. Simply put, there aren’t enough skilled people to fill these jobs.
The end of this 2023-2024 school year was an exciting milestone for SEI’s education team: a successful first year of the Youth Leading Active Communities (YLAC). Working with four elementary and middle schools in Marin County, our pilot program utilized a student leadership model, empowering students to identify opportunities for active and sustainable transportation in their communities.
By Matilda Peck "My climate story matters and can impact other young professionals beginning their careers,” said SEI Climate Corps alumni Anna Oliva. A year after concluding her Climate Corps Fellowship, Oliva is one of seven Bay Area climate heroes featured in Drawdown’s Neighborhood: San Francisco Bay Area, a climate solutions short documentary series presented by Project Drawdown.
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July 2024